My name is Cheese Guy and I'm a Journalspace Refugee.
It's been a little while now, but the loss of all the writing I did concerning the tasty goodness we ate while on our belated honeymoon in Europe still weighs heavily on me.
But only when I think about it.
I have never been a refugee before.
Wait. Perhaps I have been...
I once worked at a restaurant that closed after a "protracted illness" of about 6 months.
A lot of us from the kitchen went about 5 miles west and got jobs at an about-to-open-Italian-place. I think there were about four or five of us.
The place was called "East Side Mario's". It was based in London, Ontario.
Some of the menu iems were made in Ontario and arrived pre-portioned and ready for service at our outpost in the Twin Cities. It was some of the most unappetizing food I have ever tasted. I, however was fortunate to land in the pizza kitchen, a wood-fired oven to boot! Soon I learned to make quality pizza dough and hand stretch it as well.
A former Kitchen Manager now slinging pizza for a Canada-based coorperation.
I was a refugee indeed.
My name is Cheese Guy and I am a refugee.
I will use this place to muse about most things...
I will use this place to write about my experiences in cheese.
I will use this place to tell you about the foods we eat.
My name is Cheese Guy and I am a refugee from Journalspace.
Is anyone still there?
6 years ago
Makes me think of two songs entitled "Refugee" - one by U2, and the other better-known song of the same title by Tom Petty.